
“Anarchotopia” is a virtual island in Second Life, providing free space for anybody. Users are allowed to build whatever they like, in any style or size they wish. Since land in Second Life is very expensive, this seems to be a great gift. But be aware: The space is limited and everyone can delete any objects or eject other avatars. […]

Self Care Sunday – 50% OFF!

Self-care is a process of taking care of oneself with behaviors that promote health and active management of illness when it occurs.[1] Both types of self-care (when healthy, when ill) are needed, as described further below. Everyone engages in some form of self-care daily with food choices, exercise, sleep, and dental care.[1] Self-care is not new, although it has received […]

You Are Special! – Facebook and the Media Tribunal

What has the “Like”-button to do with American Idol? The resource “human” is supposed to function, better than others, highest value has, who is best. The best can become rich and famous. Loved. TV channels show one castingshow after another and people are glued to the television. As a matter of course we judge and condemn while sitting on our […]